Monday, March 25, 2013

Barnyard Babies

The hens have landed!!! Our dreams of a farm are gradually coming true in the form of 6 small fluffy poultry, 4 cheepers and 2 quackers.  Or if you want a more formal introduction, we would like to formally introduce......

Miss Jemimah and Gertrude Puddle Ducks 
(Khaki Campbells)


Penelope, Henrietta, Cornelia and Beatrice Chicken! 
(1 Rhode Island Red, 1 Plymouth Barred, 1 White Leghorn and 1 Araucana)

If you do not know that much about poultry, each of these particular breeds are great egg layers. Yes, even the ducks. 

We chose an array of hens because we like colorful eggs and we like organic eggs laid by birds that run around our own backyard, eat what we give them and are happy in all sense of the word. 

I will not get in to the evils of the commercial chicken industry because it personally makes my heart ache. But we are so happy to have expanded the family with our new little babies. 

Currently they live in a large storage tub in our office with their very own heat lamp! 

Everyday I play with them and let them eat out of my hand so they learn to trust me, that I am a safe place and they do not need to stress out when I am around.

We are letting our dogs get used to them as well though I think the temptation of those sweet fluffy creatures can seem too much. But we are learning self control and I let them smell the chickens and let them walk around and on the dogs while I hold them in a laying position and pet and keep them calm. 

I would rather not have a massacre of feathers in my backyard one day so hopefully we can at least get them to ignore the birds if anything.

Well I have not individual pictures of each one but here are a few to enjoy! Welcome to the family sweet girls!

A sad update: One of our sweet hens unexpectedly became quite sick and died within the span of a few hours. I did what I could to make her comfortable and help heal here but sadly, their is a high mortality rate for baby chicks. Their immune systems are weak and they can become sick and die quickly. I have decided that little chicks name was Cornelia and we shall bury her in our backyard with a tiny funeral. I have a soft spot for animals and it pains me when something bad happens to them. But in this case, it was the circle of life and now her sweet chicken soul is pecking away in heaven. 

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Middle School to Marriage

I like to say that I have one best friend. I have had many whom I have used the word for before but there is only one which actually fits the true meaning. And this morning, she called me bright and early to share some of the most joyous news, SHE's ENGAGED!!!!


But here is a little of our history.

She and I met when I was 12 years old and she was 11 in 6th grade at Gateway Middle School in Everett, Washington.

We were both little smarty pants and placed in Mrs. Lombardi's honors block class. We were placed at group table with one another and it's all history from there.

She would hang out at our house all the time and we would eat top ramen with chopsticks and do whatever it was 12 year olds did. But we always did our homework because that is how we were.

My parents became surrogate parents to her since her mom worked a lot and she was frequently home alone. They have loved her like a daughter in every possible way.

Our status as classmates only last one year as she transferred to another middle school in the area for 7th grade. We never went to school together after that. But it didn't matter, because she was my best friend and we were always going to love one another.

We kept on with that promise and even though some years were closer than others, we always knew that we understood the other. We knew we would be there and that we would be loyal.

Here we are, almost 12 years later, and we are still best friends.

We attended each others graduation ceremonies, she was the first person I called about my engagement and stood beside me as one of my maid of honors on my wedding day to the man I loved.

And now it's her turn! She fell in love in high school, meeting a charming young man I wasn't sure I liked too much at first. But now, I wouldn't have her with anyone else. He is great!

I wasn't there so I cannot tell you much about how the proposal went down. Only that it happened on a rock cliff at sunrise in Arizona and she was so happy.

We screamed together on the phone as she told me her joyous news that we have waited for. Now the wedding planning begins and as her Maid of Honor, there is a lot of work to be done.

Victoria Mae Kim Sutton,
       You are the dearest to me that anyone could be. We have been through so much together and never once has our commitment and love for one another wavered. You are a gracious and loving companion. You shine with the Love of God and went out into the world by yourself to preach that love, I could never be so brave. I am thankful for you and for Cameron. You have both been such a blessing into Justin and I's lives. We can only hope to always be the same for you. I am so happy for you and this amazing journey in life, the parts we make together and make apart. My heart swells for love for you and I pray only joy and happiness in every step. Because before we know it, we will have babies together, and grow old together and someday we will sit on one of our porches, sipping lemonade and rock away in rocking chairs watching our grandchildren play together. I love you so much as a sister and friend. Congratulations Tori and Cam!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Love is Patient

I had a blog several years ago and sometimes I will go back and reread my thoughts and feelings at that time. I just happened to read the post below which I had originally wrote in March of 2010. It may not seem special but since I look back on it now, the Lord answered my prayer almost to my exact desires. I met Justin officially on June 28th of 2010. But we had actually met once before, less than 2 weeks before I wrote this post. We started dating for the purpose of marriage in July of that year. It amazes me to think that I had been so right to say that I might have met him already and I didn't even know it. I am so thankful for the husband I have, he is everything and more than I ever could have desired and I am so thankful for my man. And I am thankful for the hopes of a girl that wanted to find love.

March 29, 2010
Recently I have found myself trying to live by this advice.
Solomon you truly were a wise one.
I find it difficult most of the time. Confusing at best. What really is seeking love?
If I am attracted to someone I have still made a vow to not pursue any sort of relationship beyond friendship.
what point is there in dating if I am not ready to marry.
I know I am not but sometimes I think I could handle it.
I am not so naive that I expect Prince Charming to ride up on a white stallion and sweep me off my feet to a life filled with champagne, roses and a perfectly cleaned house.
I dont want perfect. I want imperfect.
I want a man of God. I want an honest, just and loving authority. I want a kind, passionate and thoughtful husband. I want a guiding, gentle and carefree father. I want a protector. A keeper and a partner.
I want someone who has learned from mistakes and made stronger because of them.
Someone to walk this road of life side by side with. to hold my hand. to lead with truth and purpose. not to drag me behind.
I dont want perfect. No Prince Charming.
I want a man, humble and imperfect, my Adam, my Abraham, my Isaac, my Boaz and my Jacob. Let me be your Eve, your Sarah, your Rebekah, your Ruth and your Rachel.

I am a foolish girl hoping for love to find me. I am done looking. It hasnt desired to be revealed yet. And I must be content with that.
For all I know I may have met him already :) Lord, give me patience. Open my eyes as YOUR will be done, not mine.