Fast forward and little baby Gere is now at 36 1/2 weeks gestation. That is 3 days away from being pre-term! Once we hit 37 weeks, if I go into labor naturally (not due to a complication) we can have this little boy at the birth center with no issues!
We are so beyond excited for our new family member to make his impending arrival. It seemed only a few days ago that we found out we were expecting and now he is almost here!
I won't lie. Labor sounds so scary. The pain and the logistics of birth are intimidating. But one way or another, we are bring this little guy into the world.
I have been so lucky to have a supportive family (immediate and extended) who rejoice in this little miracle with us.
From the moment of conception, he has had a soul and a purpose. No one can convince me otherwise.
His name is still on the down low from the public though our family is aware of it. We love it and so do they.
His nursery is almost 90 percent complete save for a few last minute items. His midwives went over our birth plan last week. Including such things as any shots, water vs bed, lights, music etc that we may want. We meet with our doula (labor coach) on wednesday and our final birth prep class is February 8th. If he doesn't want to come early that is!
He is fat too! 7 to 8 pounds at the moment at our midwives last guess. So that would probably make a 9 to 10 pounder at his birth if he stays in full term!
I will post a few photos of his nursery and my growing belly. We are hoping for a healthy, term baby soon!
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