Monday, February 10, 2014

He is Here!

Henry Clayton Gere was born at 12:36am on February 8th, 2014 in Hayden, Idaho at our local birth center. He was born naturally with no medical intervention, medication or complications after 10 hours of active labor. He weighed in at a healthy 7 pounds 13 ounces and measuring 21 inches long. He came 1 week and 1 day early after his mama's water broke early. Our midwife and doula were worth their weight in gold and helped me immensely in delivering without any issues. I had an amazing experience and would deliver out of the hospital again in a heartbeat.

He is perfect in every way with ten fingers and ten toes. We feel so blessed by our precious baby boy and are thankful for God's gift of children.

At around 9pm on Thursday February 6th, my water broke. We were not sure if it was the real thing since I had had no contractions up until that point and baby was still high. We called Sarah, our doula, and she had us meet her at the birth center to check and make sure it was amniotic fluid. We tested positive and we officially had to get a jumpstart on labor. When your water breaks early, chances for infection increase. So we were sent home to get some sleep and came back the next morning to run a penicillin antibiotic IV course. I started some herbal supplements to stimulate uterine contractions. Inga, our midwife, had us visit a chiropractor in the area who specializes in maternal care to adjust my back, hips and pelvis to help baby drop. We came back home to labor and contractions kicked in soon. By the time we finished a second IV course I had entered into active labor. At first it was easy to handle contractions. However, they progressively got stronger and longer, making me nauseous and anxious to progress. Our doula met us at 5pm and headed with us to the birth center at 6:30pm. We labored in the bathtub for a few hours until my progress stalled at 9cm. Our doula had me switch positions to bring baby down and I honestly thought I would die from such intense pain. I instantly understood why so many women opt for epidurals. It is really really hard work not to believe that you will always be in such pain. However, I knew I wanted to go without any medication for myself and my baby so I pushed through transition. I could not have done it without my amazing husband supporting me the entire time and our doula encouraging me when all I wanted to do was give up. One position did the trick and we went from stalled to pushing in no time. After 1 hour and 30 minutes of pushing, they placed my perfect baby on my chest and instantly every second was worth it. He scored a perfect 10 on his APGAR and has been the easiest baby since. We are head over heels in love. I would do it all again. He is growing and doing well with more than enough family to smother him with love. We are so thankful to our family and friends who supported us in our unconventional choice and helped bring our baby Huck into the world loved and adored.